Saturday, June 23, 2007

been kinda sick lately

I know some of you noticed I've been lame with my blog lately..the thing is- I've been sick a lot lately...morning sickness that is :)
Yep...We are having a baby!!! yeah! Our firstborn! I am 9 1/2 weeks now...the due date so far is January 25-th..3 days after daddy's b-day :)

pray for us and pray for the baby :)

much love...
excited mama

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God

last night at the Bible Study we have read Ps.52:8 "But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God;I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever".

The Psalm was written at the time when David was chased by king Saul, who as I came to conclusion , was a control freak with extreme unsecurites. Saul felt out of control and mad, because he didn't know everyone's business, so he dealt with them in his own way- just killed at least 85 people. (1 Sam.22)

As we were talking about things our control issues can cause others, I asked them a question ," how many priests today (and we are priests through the blood of Jesus) are being killed because of the anger and madness in or outside the church?"....pause..... a friend of mine said a brilliant thing ,"not only do we kill members of the holy priesthood daily with our words, actions and feelings, but if you carefully look at the Scripture, it says they were other people who were killed outside the Temple! Therefore, our actions as Christians not only effect those within the walls of the church, but it can hurt others who don't even belong here!" that profound or what?!?!?!?! BINGO! She has nailed that! Defenately something to consider!

As we went on with our lesson we looked at the ways David dealt with the crisis like that.
-David knew his position in his relationship with God, therefore Saul could not shake him; Do we know it?
-David knew his purpose and calling even though he was not in charge of the times and circumstances; Do we know it?

Then David finally states in Ps. 52:8 that he is "like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God".
This is one of those times when NIV gets an A++ for translation! Most of the other ones said "green olive tree".
One of my resources said , "not only the olive tree is the longest living tree, but FLOURISHING olive tree has even greater longetivity". How appropriate! If my roots are planted in the house of God and I am flourishing- therefore working hard on bearing the fruit in my life, I have even greater longetivity! What a promise!
The olive tree is one of the few trees that can still produce fruits even in rocky and unproductive land. Therefore, even if you think you are in unproductive place of your life now- God can still bless you to produce spiritual fruit even there!
Olive tree is an evergreen tree. Also, every part of the olive tree can be used. It is so much like us! Every part of our lives can be used for God's glory in various areas and as long we stay planted in His presence we will not loose our freshness!
The fruit the olive tree produces is used to make an anointing oil. So, as we bear fruit, the anointing is within us already! Are you with me?

Enemy can try to do anything, but this I KNOW- I am an olive tree flourishing in the house of my God and my roots are deep in the LORD and my branches are lifted high to praise His Holy name. And it is my Father's desire that I may bear much fruit. (John 15)
Let it be, LORD, let it be.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Friday, June 01, 2007

It still goes down!

Since we started praying for the gas prices to go down it went 80 cents so far! How awesome is that! Last night we got gas for $3.05!!!! Keep believing God for it with me!
God is fathful in such "little" thing- can you imagine how much He will bless you in other things?!?!?!
Praise, you, JESUS, for You are worthy to receive glory and honour and power!

plug :)

my husband posted a nice testimony on his blog, you guys...check it out