Monday, April 30, 2007

SPA time

I've been wanting to go for a SPA a while already. So, finally we have found a perfect place to go with the ladies from our Bible Study- it is a Christian SPA, with Christian music and lady (owner) even offered to do a little devotion for us- can it get any better? I am too excited to wait! I love that kind of stuff. It's time to beutify myself.
I like how this Spa offers "beautifying" inside and out......

Humore me- I have ordered a Christian Alternative to Yoga this week (should be coming by the end of the week)...I am thrilled! I love working out, but now I can do it with the Word of God- is God a God of wonders or what?!?!?! To work out and meditate on His Word!
Somebody needs to celebrate it with me!!!!!! :)

With all this in mind, I was studying for my Bible study tonight and God started speaking to me about Ps.36, 37 (I hope none of my ladies from the group reads it before tonight, otherwise they will have to sit there and be surprised all over again and pretend they've never heard it! )...

Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the great deep. O LORD, you preserve both man and beast. How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights.
Ps.37:4, 23
Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart....
If the LORD delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm.
So, as I'm preparing, I obviously see the repeat of the word "delight"....if it is more than once, I believe God is trying hard to make a point. So, I get my faithful friend "Strong's Concordance" out just to find out that all 3 of these words "delight" are all different! WOW! That was enough to get me going!
Ps.36:8 = "delight"= in Hebrew "eden" (my first thought was of a Garden of Eden, but it doesn't indicate a direct connection) means "luxury, dainty, delight, finery,delight, to live voluptiously (how do you like that!?).
That sounds pretty delightful :)
Ps.36:8 ="river"= in Hebrew 'nachal" =stream, brook, river, flood (I'd expect that) BUT it comes from the root word which means to get as a possession, acquire, inherit, possess ,give as an inheritance .
Can you see it? God has given us an inheritance which we supposed to enjoy! And it supposed to flood our lives! We are to take joy in spiritually voluptious living! He has offered it to us!
Are we feasting in the abudance of His house and are we drinking in the rivers of His delinght? (Ps. 36:6-8) or have we limited ourself to a boring diet of "bless this food" prayers and "help me top have a good day"....He has so much to offer, we have no eartly clue!
...sigh...that was good to hear from God.....
Ps.37:4 = "delight" (yourself in the Lord) in Hebrew "anag"= to be soft, be delicate, be dainty , be pampered , to be happy about, take exquisite delight, make sport of.

Did you see PAMPERED? Who would've thought that God wants to pamper us with His love, mercy and just His presence?!?!
Well, the Scripture does say that those who are in His presence have radiant look, so I guess there ain't no better face lotion that Jesus Christ Himself! :)
But pampered?! Lord, you mean like a SPA pampered? Really? How awesome would that be! A Spiritual Spa- my God will do anything for me!
I like the last definition- to make sport of......What do you think if we make it a great competetive sport of spending time in God's presence and eating at His table. We would put all of our efforts, strength, time and resources just to be with Him!At least I know that the reward for that one is great! I think I am getting myself a new exercise routine :) Not just will I be pampered, but I'll also be toned up! Can someone shout Hallelujah with me?!?!?!??!
I will run to His presence, I will dance before His throne, I will stretch on the ground on my face at His feet- there is your whole body work out :)
Ps. 37:23- "delight" (The Lord delights in us) in Hebrew "chaphets" which means "to delight in, take pleasure in, desire, be pleased with , to move, bend down .
As we delight ourselves in Him He bends down just to hear our praise and prayers closer; He moves to us just to read our lips and hearts as we speak to Him. That is my God! He delights to be delighted and He delights to delight......ahh...what a delightful God I serve!
Delight me Lord, with the wonders of Your love and may my whole life inside out be the greatest delight You've ever recieved!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Russian Worship

This Russian Worship song is so great. I have translated the words for those of you who's having a hard time unders
You know...He has told me "I love you"
You know..He has extended His hand to me ;
You never, never, never will I ever be alone.

He has given life just for me,
He has shed His blood just for me,
He did everything possible just to be with me
He has granted me life and peace.He is my Saviour!!!

You know....I couldn't even dream about the happiness that I've found in Him
My whole entire life has changed since the moment He found me and I followed Him

He has given life just for me
,He has shed His blood just for me,
He did everything possible just to be with me
He has granted me life and peace.
He is my Saviour!!!

You know...He loves you so much
His desire is to be with you forever
My friend, if you choose to walk with Him
You will surely find comfort, joy and peace
He has given life just for you,
He has shed His blood just for you,
He did everything possible just to be with you
He has granted you life and peace.
He is your Saviour!!!tanding russian :)

p.s. can anyone teach me how to post videos on here??? pleeeeease :)

Put God on that's possible!

Last night at the Bible Study we have read Ps.29
As I was preparing for the study, this Psalm hit me a new...I sat in awe and amusement of what God showed me...
read it with me
Ascribe to the LORD, O mighty ones,
ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name;
worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.
The voice of the LORD is over the waters;
the God of glory thunders, the LORD thunders over the mighty waters.
The voice of the LORD is powerful;
the voice of the LORD is majestic.
The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars;
the LORD breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.
He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, Sirion like a young wild ox.
The voice of the LORD strikes with flashes of lightning.
The voice of the LORD shakes the desert
the LORD shakes the Desert of Kadesh.
The voice of the LORD twists the oaks and strips the forests bare.
And in his temple all cry, "Glory!"
The LORD sits enthroned over the flood;
the LORD is enthroned as King forever.
The LORD gives strength to his people;
the LORD blesses his people with peace.
Notice how many things God can do just with His voice alone. Cedars are 120 feet tall trees and 30 feed wide! The oaks are called the kings of the forest and He can make them jump and He can twist them just at the sound of His voice alone! Doesn't even have to lift a finger! Mighty mighty God with a mighty mighty voice.
Here is what the LORD spoke to me about it: Lenna, look at all the things I do with the sound of my voice alone...yet people manage to mute Me in their hearts....I can melt the highest mountain, yet the hearts of men refuse to melt when I speak to them . I can break the strongest wall, yet humans refuse to break their hearts over their own disobidience.....I can twist the oak, yet people's heart remained unmoved when I speak to them......something is wrong with that picture"..... yet He chose to create us this way, so we can make a choice to listen to Him or not.
How often am I guilty of pushing mute on the remote control of my heart when God is speaking truth to me? How often have I ignored Him speaking when He used the mighty powerful voice?
O , Lord, the Word of God says that people have grown cold, hard , numb and deaf hearts - so true! Forgive me for not listening to You at times....I am hungry for fresh mercies this morning......
Speak to me, your servant is listening!