Not too long ago I was sitting at home, feeling so sad. I was on a date with Jesus-just two of us- me and my God. And told Him how I felt at this particular season of my life and here is what I told Him:
"You know what Jesus? You have been so good with my dreams my whole life! I accepted you in my heart when I was 11 and that's when I started dreaming. When I was 12 I really wanted to be a part of the youth group and pretty soon I was. When I was 14 I REALLY wanted to be in the worship group- and there I was in a worship team shortly. When I received the calling on my life, all I wanted to do and go and preach the good news ...and there I was 19 years old at the airport of Tbilisi- my new home for a while. Then I wanted to learn English and you gave me people who taught me language so well. But now here I am in Nebraska and I don't even know what to dream's not that I don't think you can do it, because I KNOW You can! It's just I don't even know what to dream about :( and it makes me sad. Because a dream can motivate you, it pomps you up and makes your heart go faster everytime you think about it..I want to be excited about something...put a dream in my heart , will you?"....then Jesus and I had more time to talk about other stuff and that was it.
The same day we had a prayer meeting at our church and I went there with my husband. At the end of the prayer meeting, a friend of mine came to me and said, "the whole time I was praying, I heard God telling me the same thing over and over again and it made no sense to me, but He told me to tell you, because you'll know". I asked him what it was and he said, "God spoke to me to tell you this, "Dream BIG! You're serving a BIG GOD, so if you want to dream again, start dreaming BIG"- that was his exact words! My chin droped down and my eyes were full of water. This guy looked at me and said, "does it make sense". I whispered back, "you have no idea!".....why didn't God tell me that in the morning Himself? Could it because I would think it was me and not Him and surely God wouldn't tell me such a silly thing?...I think that was a reason...but this I know, my daddy told me to dream BIG and this is what I want to do. I serve a BIG GOD and He can give me the desire of my heart (Ps.34) and He will catch a falling star for me if I ask Him. That is true romance.God's voice is whispering to my heart, "child, you were meant to have great dreams, because you're MINE and I have great dreams for you too!"...I guess my big dreams just show that I get it from my Dad, Heavenly Father that is. He has great imagination. I can almost see Him and Jesus sitting on their thrones talking great dreams over yours and mine lives and I can see them getting excited about it. God is crazy about me and I love every bit of it! I am just as crazy about Him! My faithful, loving and VERY Romantic God! I love you so much!
In Jeremiah 29:11 we all know this Scripture where God says, "for I know the plans for you.....", this word "know" in Hebrew is "machashabah" means "imagine"....God is imagining great things for you, your family, your ministry, your far would you go to get it all??????????
Oh, I want to dream BIG and let GOD show up!